Nancy Grace Denies George Anthony Molested Casey

Nancy Grace, a constant defender of George and Cindy Anthony, claimed that "it didn't happen" and "I don't want to hear" allegations of sexual abuse of Casey Anthony by her father, George.

This leads to the question: How does she know George didn't molest Casey?

How would anyone know, except George and Casey?

It may come down to winning the Anthony sweepstakes in getting them to appear on her show. Once on, Nancy Grace would then be faced with two choices:

1. Softball questions to keep them coming back or...

2. Melinda Duckett. That is, ask tough questions knowing that the guest is not going to return for another appearance.

Choice #1 would infuriate the public, which may translate, short term, into anger that brings in an audience, but usually leads to an exhaustion, or long term loss of viewers.

Choice #2 would please the public, but it would be only a one time jump in ratings, which may not be enough for the ratings game.

The defense of the Anthonys is strange, given that Nancy Grace often takes callers who praise her as a mother, and she has, at times, gone after mothers (see Crystal Sheffield) for not being close or protective of a child.

The Anthonys:

1. Had their only grandchild living in their home
2. Believed a "Nanny" was taking care of their only grandchild.
3. Did not meet the nanny.
4. Learned that their only grandchild was staying overnight at the nanny's.
5. Did not ask to see the Nanny's apartment.
6. Did not give Nanny their work phone numbers nor cell phones.
7. Did not do a background check on Nanny.
8. Did not bother to call the nanny.
9. Did not seek to make contact with the nanny who was watching their only grandchild over nights.

When the grandchild went missing, Cindy complained about it on line, but did not call the police until money went missing and she wanted her car reported stolen.

Then, after smelling death in the car, Cindy cleaned up the evidence and washed the clothing before police could get to it.

Cindy and George lied to police.

Cindy, in Statement Analysis, showed that she and George knew that Casey was dead in the woods even while denying so, and causing money and energy to be expended for phony "live" sightings.

Cindy and George lied to the public.

Cindy and George sought to taint potential jurors with lying public statements.

Cindy and George cashed in on their only granddaughter's death; living off her blood, even though they cared so little about her, as to not even bother to check on the one person they said was raising her.

These are the parent-figures that Nancy Grace praises and defends?

"George and Cindy Anthony truly believe their daughter is innocent and have been through so much" she said, adding that she thinks they won't have emotional reactions in court.

So much for the weeping cheater and the rabid doberman.

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