Dr. Glass Questions George Anthony's Sensitivity Indicators

Jose Baez' opening statement implicated George Anthony in the coverup of the death of Caylee.  Although he added on far too many details to be considered credible, did any portion of it contain truth?

It is difficult to know.  

George Anthony gave truthful answers; most of the time.  

Not always.  

Casey Anthony's method of lying is rare:  she fabricates reality.  This is rare and difficult to discern.  Statement Analysis picks up her deception, but the difficulty lies in where she gets her information from. This is where the investigation must continue in that anything Casey says must have outside forms of verification, otherwise it will be dismissed as fabrication.  (see Mark McClish' excellent work at www.statementanalysis/caylee for analysis of early statements by Casey.  His book is well written and covers all the basics and is a fascinating read, in particular, regarding famous cases that will be known to the reader. Mark also conducts seminars and online training.  

Dr. Lillian Glass' blog:  http://drlillianglassbodylanguageblog.wordpress.com/

Dr. Glass is extensively covering the Casey Anthony murder trial.  Statement Analysis and Commentary are interjected in bold type. 

George Anthony – Unanswered Questions About “Accident” Theory of Caylee’s Death
There are many questions which have always concerned me about George Anthony. First of all, why had he never joined in on the massive search when people were taking their time and efforts to look for Caylee? Did he already know Caylee was dead? Is that why he didn’t waste his time searching?

Neither George nor Cindy searched.  Both George and Cindy smelled their granddaughter's remains in the vehicle.  By the time Texas Equasearch arrived, Cindy sabotaged search efforts by not allowing Casey to speak to Tim Miller.  Then she took center stage with the press to explain why she threw out Tim Miller.  Tim Miller said that this was the first time a family sought to hinder a search.  Cindy said, "George and I don't believe Caylee's in the woods, or anything" introducing the wording "in the woods", which is where Caylee was found. Because she introduced the words "in the woods", Statement Analysis would have highlighted these words (in the investigation) and increased the searching of woods.  This is a simple principle of Statement Analysis:  Noting the introduction of new words.  In an interview, the Interviewer seeks to avoid introducing any words so that when a topic is introduced, it comes from the mind of the subject.

George and Cindy knew that Caylee was dead.  Cindy scrubbed the car and washed the clothing, likely repeatedly, due to the smell of human decomposition.  Cindy's own lies, beginning with "pizza" smell, and moving on to "someone else put a dead body in the trunk" highlight 1.  Her ability to lie   2.  Cindy Anthony's need to lie. 

Cindy Anthony felt it was her responsibility to control the flow of information in this case to media. 


Was it just to protect Casey?

What 'secrets' are being held by this family?

Why the need of Lee to speak in "code" at the Memorial Service?

The next issue concerns his abusive hostility towards a protester who simply said that Caylee was dead. That certainly was a logical conclusion at the time. Why did George become so physical with the protestor and so vehement as he insisted that Caylee was alive? Did he “protest too much” because he knew that Caylee was dead? Was he compensating?

This is an excellent point by Lillian Glass.  George exploded in rage at the protester, even though he had known for quite some time that Caylee was dead, including what he told the FBI.  Why the blow up?  This is the same George who heard vile things about sex with his 13 year old daughter and remained cool.  Why was he coming apart at the seams at this particular point?


What hasn't been explored yet is the "accidental theory" where Casey was drugging her child and "accidentally" or "recklessly" gave her too much drug (chloroform?)  This may be what Casey told George, who then helped her either dispose, or move the body, or solicited the help of Lee Anthony.

Recall:  Lee Anthony needed immunity in this case.  

Why would an innocent uncle need immunity?

And finally why did George have such a detailed and vivid visual description of Zanny the Nanny, whom he reported that he had never seen? He even described her as a 10? Did he a glean that physical and detailed description from a woman with whom he allegedly had an affair- River Cruz? Did he share that description with Casey or did he find someone to match Casey’s made up description?

After all, River was a very pretty Latina looking woman whom some might think to be a 10.

Note that George Anthony's description is "10", so "10" would come from George Anthony's reference point, his wife, who is much older than River Cruz.  (see Statement Analysis on River Cruz)

 River had long curly dark hair and sometimes wore it straight. She also had very nice straight teeth as George described. She also had a sister as Casey descibed . Did George consciously seek out River Cruz in order to set her up as a scapegoat for Caylee’s disappearance?

Since Casey and George's views synch together here, it is likely that the two discussed this.  While Casey was bonded out, the days in which she lived at George and Cindy's home are critical for the flow of information.  Will any of this information come out when Lee or Cindy is on the stand?

River Cruz may have thought so. When River Cruz was interviewed by the media, I thought she seemed credible. She is not her sister Skye Cruz, who is completely different than her.

Statement Analysis results agreed with Dr Glass:  River Cruz was honest about being with George, withheld info about the physical aspect (common) and her sister was lying about making money and contacting media. 

 Instead, River is her own person. Because of my blog about how I believed her credibility and the body language tells which led me to believe she was most likely telling the truth about George, River reached out to me by phone. I found her to be a lovely woman. After spending time speaking with her, I believed what she was telling me.

To this, River Cruz' words agree.  I stand with Dr. Glass on this issue.

She said George sought her out and she ended up having an affair with him. She also said George told her that what happened to Caylee’s was an “accident that snowballed.”

This was the first time I heard the words “accident” as it pertained to Casey and Caylee . Until then, the school of thought from Nancy Grace was that “tot mom” deliberately killed Caylee .

According to my conversation with River Cruz, George was allegedly not nice to her. She shared with me that she felt that he essentially used her. She allegedly gave him money after he allegedly told her that he did not have money to buy food.

Statement Analysis of this topic showed truthfulness on the part of River Cruz.  It is also consistent, behaviorally, with George Anthony's history, including theft of his wife's funds, the Nigerian Prince scam, and his reported online gambling losses.  Coupled with his repeated "accidents" where he sought disability, a profile of George Anthony emerges of someone who has an aversion to honest work, seeks to get rich quick, and is willing to steal if necessary.  It is not a stretch to think that he conned River out of money, as he was not working and his own mother in law questioned where he got the "gas money" to drive around his sign.  This is something that Nancy Grace producers have not explored. 

One day, a devastated River called me after it was reported in the press that there was a long dark curly hair found next to Caylee’s remains. River told me that she was frightened and wondered if George took a strand of her hair and placed it near Caylee’s remains. Thankfully that was not the case as River imagined and that the hair that was found was just a stray hair that had nothing to do with anything.

But River’s upset and concern spoke to the fact that River did not trust George. If it is true that George told River that Caylees death was an accident that snowballed, then it meant that George knew Caylee was dead all along when people were searching for the child.


When Jose Baez’ made his opening arguments I heard the words “accident” once again. He also said that George knew about it.

Then Jose graphically spoke of George’s penis in Casey’s mouth when she Casey was a little girl. Who knows if this is true or not? Only Casey (who has constantly lied) and George (who has also lied) know the truth. But it certainly sullied George’s character and made the jury wonder if George sexually molested Casey and if that is why she is so messed up. Dr. Drew stated publicly that he believes Casey shows the signs of a person who has been sexually molested.

That both Casey and George are liars is established.  

A young mother who is able to overcome all maternal (and human) instinct to protect and love a child, in order to kill will likely, statistically, have been sexually abused in childhood.  This will be covered in Part 3 of "Was Casey Anthony Molested" here at Statement Analysis blog.  


But what was that accident? And why was there duct tape on Caylee’s mouth if there was an accident? Did Casey feel burdened by a crying or whining two year old Caylee when the toddler was sleeping in bed with her Ricardo Morales? Did she feel Caylee was stifling her sex life? Ricardo said in his testimony that when he woke up Casey was there but Caylee was not there.

Did Casey take Caylee to her car, give her a little chloroform with the intention of knocking her out so Casey could spend the morning having wild sex with Ricardo? Did Casey put the duct tape over Caylees mouth to assure that Caylee wouldn’t scream while she was placed in the trunk of the car. Was it dark when Casey put the duct tape over Caylee’s mouth and accident placed it over her nose as well, thus accidentally suffocating her? Did the chloroform Casey allegedly had in the trunk of her car spill because Caylee thrashed around trying to gasp for air and perhaps kicked it ? Is that was why the concentration of chloroform was found to be so high?


Did Casey go to her car the next morning and find an unresponsive dead duct taped Caylee and not know what to do? Did she drive and drive around with her decomposing body for days? Did she decide to make it appear like Caylee had drowned in the family pool? Did Casey drag Caylee on the lawn where the dogs hit on the smell of a dead body? Is that where she stuffed Caylee in a bag?

Did George find out about it? Did he help her dispose of the body? Remember when Cindy insisted on her phone call to Sergeant Allen that she was sure Casey got help moving Caylee’s body and didn’t do it alone? Was George the person that gave Casey that help?

Also remember Cindy’s Freudian slip when she spoke of the woods, when the woods was not even a consideration back then? How did she know about any woods? Did George help move the body to the woods? Casey was a slight 100 pounds back then. Did she need help to move Caylee who’s dead weight body was difficult to lift? Is that why Cindy leaked that Casey got help?

The bottom line is “What did George know and is he telling the truth on the stand?


George’s suicide attempt may also cause for concern. Was he overwhelmed by guilt? Did he not want to live in case anyone found out about his alleged participation in perhaps helping to dispose of the body so Casey could be saved?

While George may seem like a nice guy on the stand with a need in my view to be liked, it is important to look at and listen to everything George

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