Hailey Dunn: Why No Arrests?

Why has there been no arrests in the criminal investigation into the disappearance of Hailey Dunn?

There may be several answers to this question.

1.  No body.

Prosecution of a homicide without a body is difficult, though not impossible.  There is no reason why a rush to prosecution should be done, as a failed prosecution is useless in terms of both justice, and protecting society from murderers.

2.  Scope.  

The child pornography issue may have a much larger scope than law enforcement was prepared for.

Child pornography is often like a large tree with many, many branches.  Each trader in child pornography may have gotten it from someone else, and may not be a producer.  Recently, we saw that a police officer resigned after being accused of child pornography.  How close was he to Colorado City?  Was there any trading with locals?

The investigation into child pornography possession by one or two individuals, even with 3 counties involved, could be complicated, but with more than 100,000 deviant images, it is not only the amount of time it takes for verification, but the scope of involvement can spread wildly in all directions.

The scope may go as far as Europe, as the sources are learned.

3.  Producer of child pornography.

If Adkins produced child pornography, the investigation would be intense, seeking out victims and conducting interviews.  This would take on a very different form of investigation and the man hours would be extensive.

It may be that the child pornography will lead to the recovery of Hailey, as is the hope of many.  If police are no closer to finding her remains they would likely be willing to make a deal in the child pornography possession case in exchange for the location, but until a Grand Jury is presented with the evidence, or an arrest is effected, the District Attorney's office continues to say little about the case of a 13 year old who was last seen on December 27th, 2010.

The case is now 5 months old, which, given the affidavit regarding child pornography found, is surprising that no arrests have been made.

As the sheriff points towards the District Attorney's office for answers, so should media be asking the DA why it is that the community learned of dangerous child pornography, yet no relief from the concern that a pedophile is walking free.

Thus far in this case, we have learned of:

1.  Disappearance of a 13 year old child.
2.  Deception beginning with Adkins' job and flowing throughout the case.
3.  Drug Abuse
4.  Lying to Police
5.  Prior threats of violence
6.  Large volume of child pornography and bestialty.

yet, is the community any safer after learning of these things?

Should the local community have confidence in those they have hired to protect and serve?

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