George Anthony Controlled Baez' Cross Examination

Tensions ran high as George Anthony was brought back to the stand on day 14 of Casey Anthony's murder trial Thursday. There were several tense exchanges between Casey's lead attorney, Jose Baez, and George Anthony.
Casey entered the courtroom around 8:55am, wearing a light blue striped button-down shirt and grey pants. She had her hair pulled back in a tight bun.

Jose Baez began questioning Tony Lazzaro, Casey's ex-boyfriend, just after the court was called to order at 9:00am on Thursday.
Tony Lazarro testified under questioning from Anthony's defense attorney that she taught Caylee how to swim and regularly displayed affection for her daughter.
Casey wiped away tears as Lazzaro described to jurors affectionate moments that she shared with her daughter, Caylee.
"Did there seem to be a lot of love between Casey and Caylee?" Baez asked.
"Yes," Lazzaro responded.
Baez asked him to explain.
"All I can remember, it was, she had a book, she had her teddy bear. We went down to the pool, teaching her how to swim," Lazzaro said.
Afterward, George was recalled as a witness to describe the day that he tried to look for gas cans in the trunk of Casey's car. Prosecutors contend she reacted by running past her father because Caylee's body was in the trunk.
Thursday is not going well for Baez as he went round and round with a defiant George Anthony over the gas cans.
"When you get into this thing between you and I, you're trying to get me more upset and I don't think it's fair. Treat me with a little respect, and I'll treat you with a little respect," George said to Baez.
Later, Chief Judge Belvin Perry scolded Baez about trying to question George about a picture that was never submitted into evidence.
"The photo you're referring to is not in evidence. It's kind of hard to question someone about a photograph that's not in evidence!" Perry said to Baez.
George was clearly frustrated as Baez tried to shoot holes in that story.
"You are badgering me," George said to Baez.
WFTV legal analyst Bill Shaeffer said George Anthony was clearly in control of Baez's cross examination.
"Really, George took over the cross examination away from Jose as far as tempo mood and testimony," Sheaffer said. "George is a very powerful witness for the state. I believe the jury is starting to realize that this fabricated story of George being involved in the accidental death and cover up is nothing more than fiction."
Judge Perry was becoming increasingly impatient with Baez's stunts.
"You've been told three times he can't remember. Move on!" stated Perry.
"You asked your lawyer..," Baez attempted to ask George.
"Do not go there! Next question! Baez, approach," Perry firmly told Baez.
Perry sent the jury out to scold Baez about repeatedly trying to question George about the photo that's not in evidence, even after the judge had told him about it in a sidebar conference.
Sheaffer said it is very unusual to send a jury out and publicly scold an attorney and that Baez should have known better.
"The bottom line is even a first year law student who has taken evidence, understands that you can't question a witness on a photograph that is not in evidence," Sheaffer said.
Perry then sent George out and asked Casey's ex-boyfriend, Tony Lazzaro, to come back. However, Lazzaro left the courthouse for an early lunch at the permission of prosecutor Frank George, even though the judge specifically told him he'd be recalled and to wait outside.
The prosecutor's decision angered Perry.
"Don't do it again!" Perry stated.
The next witness, Ricardo Morales, said he dated 25-year-old Casey from February to April 2008. He also testified on Thursday that she and Caylee regularly stayed over at his apartment during that same time period.
"I slept on one side of the room, Casey in the middle, Caylee on the other side," Morales said.
Prosecutors and defense attorneys have offered strikingly different portrayals of Anthony.
Prosecutors have gotten witnesses to testify that Anthony never seemed upset during the time Caylee disappeared. Defense attorneys have coaxed witnesses to testify that Anthony was a loving mother.
Caylee was last seen June 16, 2008. Prosecutors said Caylee died from three pieces of duct tape being placed over her mouth and nose, while the attorney for Anthony, 25, has claimed the toddler accidentally drowned in her grandparents' pool.
One of the grandparents' neighbors, Brian Burner, testified Wednesday that Anthony asked him two days after the girl was last seen if she could borrow a shovel to "dig up a bamboo root." She returned the shovel about an hour later, he said.
Burner also said he remembered seeing Anthony's white car backed into the garage on the night of June 16.
About a month before that, Anthony met Lazzaro during a party. They soon became romantically involved and she moved into an apartment he was sharing with four other people.
Lazzaro and his ex-roommates testified Wednesday that they met Anthony's daughter several times and then at some point in early June, they never saw her again.
When they asked about Caylee, her mother told them she was with her nanny at a theme park or going to the beach.
Lazzaro and the roommates said Anthony's demeanor never suggested anything was wrong. She would cook, clean and help out around the apartment, they said.
"She was a regular 22-year-old girl," said Cameron Campana, a club promoter who was a college student at the time. "Peppy. She seemed normal."
Another roommate, Nathan Lezniewicz, said Anthony liked going out and having a good time.
"She was not an introvert by any means," he said.
He echoed their sentiments and also identified Anthony in several nightclub party photos, including a "hard body contest" in which Anthony danced in a short skirt. Prosecutors also showed jurors surveillance videos of Anthony and Lazarro going to the video store and shopping at JC Penny after the time Caylee was believed to be missing.
"She was the way she was every day -- happy," Lazarro said.
Baez got Lazzaro to describe more tender moments between the mother and daughter, including Anthony using educational "flash cards."
Anthony also once became startled and scolded her daughter for getting too close to the edge of the pool at Lazzaro's apartment complex, he said.
Maria Kissh, a girlfriend of one of the roommates, described riding in Anthony's car along with her roommates. Under questioning by Anthony's attorney, she said neither she nor any of the other passengers smelled any odor.
Prosecutors have said they believe Caylee's decaying body had been stored there, and the girl's grandparents noticed a foul odor when they picked up the car from a towing lot.
Prosecutors also called two women who worked at a nightclub where Casey helped Lazzaro promote parties. They both said she helped coordinate and manage "shot girls," special waitresses who sold shots of alcohol to patrons.
Anthony is charged with first-degree murder in the death of her daughter. If convicted, she could be sentenced to death. She has pleaded not guilty.

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