Q & A Continued: Did George Anthony Show Guilt?

We continue with our Question and Answer Format, analyzing the case of Casey Anthony.

On Tuesday, during the opening statement of Jose Baez, he shocked the nation when he said that Caylee drowned in a pool, and that George had so sexually abused Casey, that she was "insane", numb, and that this was the cause for her to make up characters such as Zanny the Nanny and other "friends" of hers. Baez said that George Anthony hid the body, and somehow, meter reader Roy Kronk got a hold of it for a few months, and finally cashed in on the deal.

It was a fabrication of which the United States judicial system currently has no consequences for such lies for a defense attorney.

A defense attorney can say anything, and had Baez not been so confident in his own deceptive abilities, he may have been able to say:

1. Caylee drowned by accident
2. This happened when Casey was alone with her
3. George had gone to work
4. Casey 'panicked' due to years of sexual abuse (no details) and buried her, making it look like a murder or kidnapping

With enough vagueness, he could have floated this lie (though I don't know how he could have gotten away with the pre-mediation issues; unless he explained that she was fantasizing about 'killing off Zanny the Nanny")

Deceptive people, those who learned to lie in childhood, have an overconfident attitude. They literally hold the world in contempt. They believe themselves smarter than others, and assure themselves that they can talk themselves out of anything and will trick or deceive anyone, at any time.

Casey is this way.

This is why she was able to maintain her cool walking down Universal's hallway to her fake office.

This is why she will be able to keep her cool on the witness stand, answering Ashton with ill-logic, while never losing her poker face.

It will be a frustrating time for the prosecution but it will not pass muster with the jury.

But what of George?

Question:  Doesn't George's stoic response to the disgusting allegations reveal guilt?

The fact that he sat stone-faced while hearing the vile accusation of forcing 13 year old Casey into oral sex before going off to junior high must prove guilt, right?

Answer: No, it doesn't.

Here is why:

Weeks ago, it was learned that the defense was going to use this as a tactic in an attempt to excuse or explain away Casey's behavior.

It is likely that Prosecution held mock opening statements with George and Cindy, likely multiple times, which prepared him to hear any and all vile statements made by Jose Baez.

This was something rehearsed and rehearsed so that George and Cindy would both not react to what Baez was going to say.  In fact, it is likely that during these dress rehearsals, George and Cindy heard far more graphic accusations than what Jose Baez gave out.

The mock trial was likely set up in an office made to look like the court, and had actors, including someone wearing a Geneva gown in order to simulate Judge Perry.  They would set this up in a way to make it as real as possible and would rehearse it over and over, including separating mock trials with days, to give George and Cindy time to process and settle.

By the time Tuesday's opening statement took place, George, Cindy, and the prosecution had heard it all and were bored by it. 

Jeff Ashton appeared relaxed and George held up well in the lead.

Baez' inability to cross examine George highlighted 3 years of laziness.

Jose Baez made many media appearances and had time for everything but trial preparation.

Where was the great Cheney Mason and his years of "wisdom" when Baez was making a jackass of himself before the nation?

Do not think for a minute that Baez took his bizarre, lying strategy to the court without the blessings of Cheney Mason. 

For Mason, he retires with the utter embarrassment of having been party to lying and the attempt to destroy justice, mocking the very system he chose as his profession.  He will forever be remembered as an attorney with four decades of experience easily defeated by a journalist, Kathi Belich, armed with only a few simple questions.

He will not walk arm in arm with Casey Anthony, freely down the street.  I don't think the video of his boasting will be played at his retirement party, but I cannot think of an honorable retirement based upon lies, deception, and bluffs.

There is nothing noble in that.

When did our justice system morph into defense equating lying and deceiving in the name of "protecting" a client?

The legacy of Johnny Cochran is that of a magician; a fake and a fraud, of whom the deaths of two innocent people was nothing more than a game.  He is an icon only to the sleaze who admire lying and trickery, who make a mockery of truth.

For our next question:

Question:  Why wasn't George and Cindy charged with crimes early in the investigation?

Answer in our next analysis....

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