Questions and Answers in the Casey Anthony Trial

There are various stages of which some pass through on news stories. There are those who have "followed the case since day one" and those who have recently come on board reacting from the hype and promotion of some networks. There are locals who may have been bored by how a single case dominated the headlines, and then there are those who have not only followed the case from the beginning, but have discussed it, analyzed it, and even gone as far as to read transcripts and analysis. They know the case well and can readily give answer to questions, and will even see through the public relations posturing on In Session and other talk shows.

What follows is question and answer for those 'in the middle'; who know a good deal about the case but may have not been able to follow it as closely as they would have liked to, and take the self-promotion of In Session with a grain of salt.

Question: Did Jose Baez Do a "Johnny Cochran" like job in his Opening Statement?

Answer: No. This is how In Session portrayed it.

Did you see the video of Baez cursing at a camera man coming into the courthouse the next morning? His anger should tell you something.

Baez stunned the courtroom when he announced that Caylee died in the swimming pool. Then, he continued to stun when he said that the nanny did not exist, and that the job she held was also a figment of imagination. He proceeded to say that her 31 days of carefree party girl was "insane" behavior. He explained it all in one swoop: She behaved badly after the accident because she was molested by George.

At this point, he may have had somewhere to go with it. But, Baez is a bluff. He is the prototypical rolex wearing, boasting homeless man. He is the emperor buck naked. He is bragging machismo to cover up deep inadequacy.

He said that George was there for the death, and screamed at Casey. He said that not only did he inappropriately touch Casey at age 8, but went on to lurid detail of oral sex before class as a 13 year old.

The problem with this, is that it didn't happen. In fact, this kind of detail is similar to the lies of Casey Anthony in which she gave extra details thinking she would be believed. She gave hair and teeth details to the "nanny." This is common among liars. To have a girl in junior high with this kind of trauma right before class, he would need to have some form of affirmation, school counselor, friends, nurse, etc. In 3 years, we have not heard anything to support this claim.

But Baez "Johnny Cochran" like performance wasn't done yet.

He had even more detail.

Next, he had George getting rid of the body.

Hmm. Ok.

But Baez couldn't leave it alone.

He then tied in meter reader Roy Kronk into a conspiracy with George Anthony, something that not only does evidence not exist, but is such a stretch that he sunk his own lie with it.

The performance was not only a flop, but it was a lying flop.

But the drama was yet to come:

If Jose Baez' theory is to be believed, George Anthony will have to give credence to it.  He could, under oath, be asked if he molested Casey and take the Fifth (against self-incrimination) which would strengthen in the jury's mind that this may be true, but then, some how get George and Meter Reader Roy Kronk together on a conspiracy.

George might be willing to lay down for his daughter, but Kronk?

Prosecution called George immediately to the stand, shocking us all, as first witness.

George denied the drowning, George denied the body moving, and George denied the molestation.

Then it became time for Jose Baez to cross examine George.

Had a deal been worked out?


Baez appeared to be building up for something big.  He appeared to have some inside information and was about to nail George as a liar.

All of the sudden, we heard the next shocking words:

"no further questions."

Huh?  That was it?

He built up the stakes higher and higher until the zenith of drama was reached, and then just as quickly as he caused the audiences' breathe to stop,

he folded.

It was the defining moment of his career, and it is the definition of the man:


Question:  Doesn't George's stoic response to the disgusting allegations reveal guilt?

Answer:   On our next entry

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