The Peter Hyatt Show: Statement Analysis


The Peter Hyatt Show is a weekly BlogTalk Radio program in which current news stories are viewed, especially in light of Statement Analysis.

Statement Analysis, also known as "SCAN", or "Scientific Content Analysis" was highlighted in the United States by Israeli born, Avinoam Sapir, who continues to hold seminars and offer online classes including Advanced and Ongoing Education. His website is

He has taught such notables as John Douglas, author and profiler, Mark McClish, Statement Analyst, author, TV commentator and instructor, and Dr. Susan Adam's, who's article on Statement Analysis was published in the FBI Journal.   

Here at the blog, we combine Statement Analysis with commentary and profiling, though at times, we post only analysis.  Sometimes, in particular, in the ongoing cases, enough facts become known and we will produce more commentary than analysis, but analysis is the main stay and starting point of the blog and of the radio program.

Statement Analysis is scientific, based mostly upon the rules of grammar.   Dr. Adams, who taught in the FBI, authored, the following article which gives a good introduction into Statement Analysis.

Statement Analysis is scientific, meaning that the analysis should produce the same results.  Where we find differences is in:

Commentary, Opinions, and conclusions.  This is where an analyst may make a conclusion based not simply on the analysis, but upon news paper reports of evidence, affidavits, behavioral analysis, etc.

For a good example of strict analysis, see Mark McClish's site:  and go to famous case examples.  Mark was a guest on The Peter Hyatt Show, and has also appeared on ABC's "20/20" showing how analysis is used to uncover deception.

Mark has an excellent introductory course that he offers, online, at a reasonable rate.   See his website for details, as well as his book, "I Know You Are Lying" at or his website.  

On the Peter Hyatt Show, we have had excellent guests including Profiler and Author Pat Brown, and Body Language Expert, Dr. Lillian Glass.  Author and Crime Doctor Denny Griffin, Domestic Violence Expert Susan Murphy-Milano, and many others.

Today's show will concentrate on the Casey Anthony trial, in particular, the testimony of Cindy Anthony, and how her testimony may make or break the defense's claim of accidental death.

Many believe that Caylee died, in one form or another, of an accident, either by drowning as Casey stated through her attorney in the opening statement, or by accidental overdose of chloroform, having sedated her many times before, going 'too far' on the night or day in question.

Was this premeditated murder?

Join us today at 6:30PM EST at Blog Talk Radio:

If you go to this page, you will find a Chat Room for open discussion during the program.  We will open the Chat Room early, so that discussion may begin before the program.

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