Will Cindy Anthony Torpedo Casey?

Will Cindy Anthony sink the prosecution's case against her daughter, Casey Anthony, by agreeing with the defense' claim that Caylee drowned in a pool, was found by George, and later that George dumped the body?  Or, will she torpedo Casey and Jose Baez, and the claim they made in the opening statement?

The claim is that Caylee drowned in a pool.

George found her and screamed at Casey that her mother would never forgive her.

George then hid the body, and Casey went into a defensive, phony state of "denial" due to acute and long term sexual abuse of Casey by the perpetrator George.  Casey's behavior, as if all was normal, was due to this incestuous abuse by George and 'explains' the 31 days in which Casey did not report her child missing.

Later, the corpse was found (and held?) by Roy Kronk (for what purpose?) only to later make the "discovery"in order to gain the $50,000 reward and get fame from it.

This is the defense claim summarized.

Quickly, the prosecution countered where George gave a strong appearance before the jury denying sexual abuse, any sexual misconduct, and denied that Caylee drowned in the pool.

With no one else but Casey to go by, the defense is all but done.

But what of Cindy?

Cindy Anthony testified under oath, perhaps on medication, appearing somewhat sedate from her usual persona.  The kinder, gentler Cindy said that she only recently learned that Zanny the Nanny did not exist.

Cindy said that she believed her daughter always, as did Lee Anthony.

They both said this with straight faces; more than a few times.

                                                           Cindy always believes Casey.

Cindy said that she only recently stopped "searching" for Zanny the Nanny about 6 weeks ago.  This coincides with when the defense let it be known that they would use the drowning death theory, and blame the Anthonys.  Until then, if Cindy is to be believed, she "searched" for Zanny and has believed in her daughter's reality.

This presents a well worn problem:  if you were such a good grandmother, how could you let a person babysit your only grandchild, all week long, for about 2 years, including many sleep overs, without ever meeting, talking to, checking out, leaving cell phone number with, or, in any way, shape or form: verify that Zanny the Nanny actually exists?

Since most people learn more about a kennel before dropping off a cat, this made Cindy look neglectful, to an extreme, or stupid.  She appeared not to mind either, as long as it helped Casey.

She spent an incredible amount of energy attempting to taint a jury pool that Caylee was alive, going as far as to write a letter about Caylee being alive after hosting a memorial service that put her front and center.

The apple did not fall far from the tree.

Cindy now claims that she only stopped believing in Zanny the Nanny, the Santa Claus of the Anthony Clan, because Casey has said so, through her attorney.

This may be key to understanding Cindy Anthony.  

Cindy Anthony wrote letters to Casey, who refused to see her for 2 years while in jail.  In spite of acute loneliness, Casey refused to see her own mother.  At first, Baez attempted to portray this as a necessity due to the video taping that goes on between visitor and prisoner.  All prisoners of all cases know this, and visit just the same, avoiding conversation that my implicate them (unless their last name is Croslin).

It wasn't due to anything but hatred that Casey held for Cindy that kept her at bay for 2 years while Casey suffered from social isolation.   

Cindy did, however, write to Casey and it may be within these letters that we learn what Cindy may do to the prosecution's assertion that Casey is, once again, lying about how Caylee died.

Cindy wrote that she and Casey are the same.

Cindy always believes Casey.

Cindy lies for Casey.

Will she now affirm Casey's claim that George molested her, and that George probably did dump the body?

Going by history, the answer is "yes"; going by what her attorney says, the answer is "no."

Casey's temper tantrum in the court room may give an answer:

If Casey blew because Cindy hugged George, the man who Casey alleges did vile things to her for years, then it is that Cindy has betrayed Casey, and will let the criminal justice system have its way with her. Casey's venom was unmistakeable as she snarled at her mother, unwilling to be comforted by an attorney.

Mother's Day

This may be another hint to Cindy's testimony.

Cindy, after 2 years of being rebuffed, wanted to visit with Casey, just this once, in jail.  Cindy even considered making the request public, so desperate she was to visit her daughter, but Casey would not.  It was                                          the final insult before the trial began.  Cindy is not one to be crossed and Casey pushed the wrong button by publicly humiliating Cindy by rejecting her attempt at a visit.  This may come back to haunt Casey Anthony for a long, long time.

She knew her mother was tough.  She had felt those strong fingers around her throat.  She had seen that dark countenance staring down at her in disapproval.  Do not put Cindy to the test, Casey, that still small voice inside of her head told her, but Casey, herself, is her own god.  She bows to none.  She has more confidence in her own ability to lie and deceive than anyone in recent memory.  When she holds the world in contempt, that world includes Cindy.

Casey now stood up to Cindy and said, "you will continue to take my insults and will continue to lie for me on my command!"

It is the battle of the vicious and severe eye brows.

But Cindy's got 'em, too.

Cindy is not one to be pushed around, just go as the protester who saw those wild eyes and the raised baseball bat.

Go ask John Morgan about the 'rabid doberman' he feared letting off leash.

Casey may have just pushed Cindy once too often.

Has Cindy finally said, "Enough!  You wanted it, you got it, Casey!  Now we are going to tell the truth and let the criminal justice system take its course.  You killed my Caylee and I have tried for years to protect you, even lying to the public for you, pretending that Caylee was alive!  I let them think of me as an idiot, even defending your imaginary nanny was alive, being paid imaginary money from your imaginary job while you were robbing me blind.  But I am done!  I am done with your lies, and your father may have his problems, but what you have alleged of him is too much.  No more, Casey, no more. No more lies, Casey! "?

We may have the answer to this dilemma on Tuesday, when Cindy faces the cross examination, but it may be that Cindy's embrace of George, as well as the ability to sit stoically through the description of sexual abuse let us know that Cindy is prepared to let the truth take this case where it will.

Has George and Cindy's attorney found success in convincing them that Caylee is dead, and Zanny never existed?

Has the reported $2 million dollar movie deal impacted things?

Will Cindy's long record of lying, from the pizza lie right down to the bragging of Casey as a wonderful mother, event planner, financial advisor, counselor, and all around truthful upstanding citizen, finally cone to an end?

"If they don't find her, guess who gets blamed spends eternity in jail?"               Casey Anthony

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